Dave- ​​
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule
to present at our Authorized Hardscape Dealer education day. Your presentations are exactly what our partners need!
You have also helped me grow professionaly. I look forward
to working with Anderson360 Solutions in the future!
All the Best!
Darrin Braun
Sales Representative
Celebrating 70 Years in Business!
W229 N2450 Homewood Ct.
Waukesha, WI 53186

Shannon Great Job! The training went outstanding! Thank you so much for always working with us and delivering outstanding training!
Thank you!
Just wanted to drop a note to say thanks much for your class this week at the Safety Council offices. I have the pleasure (and pain)
to go through many classes and training sessions on the topic; yours was by far one of the best.
Also, ran across this tourniquet today on LinkedIn of all places.
Dave Thompson
Manager, Asset Protection – Supply Chain Safety & Security
Walgreen Co. | Windsor Distribution Center, 4400 STH 19, Windsor, WI 53598
Wanted to send you a note on the Anderson 360 training that we conducted in April. It was a huge success and all management took away some piece of the training that they can apply on a daily bases at work and home. Comments made from Management:
- First time they had that type of training and where energized and excited to apply it in the work area.
- A great change of pace.
- Better understanding of the peers and direct reports
- Looked forward to each session
- Mr. Anderson kept your attention and made the training so you could understand it.
- Good team building between all management, showed no one was perfect.
- Is he coming back for additional training?
These are just a few comments, I not surprised that I didn’t receive negative feedback.
Thanks again for allowing the training to be held at GC
Brant Lane
Plant Manager
Golden Crisp
Premium Foods
Just wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you for yesterday. The presentations were great. Your enthusiasm and passion, plus a little blood, helped keep people engaged and participative. The message was received well by all the employees and I feel they are going to take it out to the floor and use it. I have received tremendous feedback from the employees. Feedback I have never received about any other presentations. You definitely made an impression. I think this was a great jump start to our safety program this year. Thanks again and I hope we can work together again.
Thank you,
Jeff Hammel
Manufacturing Manager
Asenzya Inc. (formerly Foran Spice Company, Inc.)
P.O. Box 109 | 7616 South 6th Street, Oak Creek, WI 53154
On behalf of the management team of the Pewaukee Contact Center, I would like to express our appreciation for such a great training session yesterday. Your energy, the audience participation and engagement, along with real-life accounts were quite memorable. The session was not only full of fantastic, life-saving information, but it was also enjoyable. You did an excellent job!
-Executive Team Leader
I wanted to let you know that you are getting some pretty awesome feedback from our supervisory group. One supervisor stated that he hates classroom training -- we have been doing this training for years -- and he said that you were probably the best
speaker we ever had. Another supervisor commented that she had so much fun and thoroughly enjoyed the training. She really
iked the enthusiasm and interaction with the audience, including the prizes. They look forward to you coming back!
-Safety Manager